The pedagogical work of the Real Academia Española: <em>the language in school</em> (1941, 944)



grammar teaching, the Royal Spanish Academy, school grammar, history of the disciplines.


Since 1857, the Royal Spanish Academy has published more than a hundred school grammars, the so-called Epitome –intended for elementary teaching– and the Compendio –for secondary education–. After the Civil War, a new educational enterprise started, which tried to modernize the manuals and adapt them to new pedagogical trends; that project was carried out by Vicente García de Diego and Julio Casares and took shape in the publication of an educational series called El lenguaje en la escuela. In this paper, we will analyze the volumes corresponding to the Preparatory Degree (1941) and the Middle Degree (1944) to highlight both the grammatical theory they reveal and the pedagogical model they develop.

Author Biography

María José García Folgado, Universitat de València

María José García Folgado. Licenciada en Filología Hispánica (1998, Universitat de València) y doctora en Filología Española (2005, Universitat de València. Profesora del Dpto. de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura de la Universitat de València desde 2006. 

