Narcissus in the three Spanish poets of the mid-twentieth century: vindicating the right to love



contemporary Spanish poetry, myth of Narcissus, Ricardo Molina, Pablo García Baena, Francisco Brines


In the wake of Luis Cernuda, some of the Spanish poets of the 1950s had recourse to the well-known myth of Narcissus in order to vindicate a love which did not conform to the prevalling Catholic morality of the Franco period. This re-working encompassed San Juan de la Cruz’s mystical image of the Beloved’s eyes reflected in the water, as well as later influences, and even included the associa- tion of the beloved man with the figure of Narcissus. This resulted in compositions such as «Respuesta» by Ricardo Molina, «Narciso» by Pablo García Baena y «Causa del amor» by Francisco Brines, in which the authors revealed an unnameable and forbidden love within the space of the poem.

Author Biography

Marina Bianchi, Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Professore Associato (Profesora Titular) di letteratura Spagnola

Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Comparate

