From Tunisia to Carthage: Political propaganda and poetic traditions in the era of the emperor


  • Vicenç Beltran UB - «Sapienza» - IEC


Garcilaso de la Vega, loose poetic sheets, ballads, Charles V, propaganda, romance, romancero.


The Tunisian Campaign (1535) was a key historic moment in the process of creating the imperial image and in organizing propaganda campaigns centered on the figure of Charles V. The concepts developed at this time reappeared throughout the remainder of the monarch´s reign. Countless mechanisms were employed in the propaganda campaign that also resonated deeply in the poetic circles of his kingdoms. This article analyzes a few of the publicity strategies practiced in the Crown of Castile as well as the profoundly diverse literary expressions inspired in these strategies, from the works Garcilaso and the Neapolitan poets to the poetry of chap books.

