The Chi-hsia [Jixia] Academy


  • Pedro García Barreno Real Academia Española


China, Guanzi, Kuan-tzu, Plato’s Academy, Shih chi, Warring States.


«The Warring States period was a golden age of intelectual creativity, and the founding of an academic community in the state of Qi was on of its most radiant moments. The Jixia Academy became the center for the “Hundred Contending Schools” being a swarm of proposals from defenders of conflicting doctrines. Jixia was a key element in the philosophical breakthrough of the fourth century B.C.; it was a magnet for ideas in motion and the major philosophical discourses as we know them today have their origins in this interplay among rival thinkers in Jixia. The first permanent organizations of higher learning appeared in ancient China and Greece early in the fourth century B.C.».

Author Biography

Pedro García Barreno, Real Academia Española

Pedro García BarrenoMadrid, 23 de octubre de 1943Silla a

Elegido el 2 de marzo de 2006. Tomó posesión el 29 de octubre de 2006 con el discurso titulado De Calderón y cibercirugíaLe respondió, en nombre de la corporación, Margarita Salas.

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