Between Adverbs and Pronouns: Mechanisms of Diacronic Change of <em>hi/ý</em> < <em>IBI</em> in the Iberian Peninsula


  • Cristina Matute Saint Louis University


History, Dialectology, Iberian Varieties, IBI > hi/ý


The objective of this paper is to analyze the evolution of the Latin adverb IBI > hi/ý within the Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula. Its dialectal history was largely influenced by the manner in which its properties in Latin were articulated into each romance variety. Its nature
fluctuated between pronominal and adverbial, and this made it experience different changes through space and time; and even if it had remarkable vitality in the Medieval Ages, it only survived in Catalan and Aragonese. The study seeks to determine the factors that led to its disappearance talking into account its properties, which interacted with the properties of the grammars of the iberian varieties within a hypothetical dialectal continuum.

